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Castles of Germany, a Short Visit

Ks & Qs Park 85 Vincent Square, Westminster, London

The principal aim of this sort of reenactment is to re-create historical battles or methods of combat. The variations range from the training of historical dueling practices (usually with an appropriate period sword.


Magna Carta Convention

Ks & Qs Park 85 Vincent Square, Westminster, London

Some groups treating historical combat as a martial art do not fit the traditional definition of a reenactment group and are more similar to fencing clubs. An example is the SCA using rattan swords to avoid injury.


East Anglia Medieval Fayre

Ks & Qs Park 85 Vincent Square, Westminster, London

It is usual to fight using more restricted target areas than in a real fight and with less speed and force, although some systems try to get as close to real combat as possible. Many societies try to reenact actual battles.


Touto è il termine osco con cui sanniti identificavano il proprio territorio comprendente l’area dei comuni coinvolti nella presente proposta progettuale la quale mira a valorizzare il patrimonio identitario di questi nella sua totalità “in toto” per l’appunto.

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